‘Essential Skills for Professional Development’ Session Conducted for the Teachers of V. Keyodhoo School

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‘Essential Skills for Professional Development’ Session Conducted for the Teachers of V. Keyodhoo School

In a move aimed at facilitating professional development for educators, the Academy of Intellects conducted an interactive training session on ‘Essential Skills for Professional Development’ on February 4, 2023. The event, which took place at V. Keyodhoo School, was attended by the school’s teachers, and conducted by Dr. Ibrahim Waheed.

The three-hour session was designed to equip teachers with the skills and knowledge required to enhance their professional development. The session covered a wide range of topics, including communication skills, leadership skills, and time management.

The event was well-attended, and the teachers actively participated in the workshop. At the conclusion of the session, certificates were awarded to the participants to acknowledge their participation and commend their efforts. The Academy of Intellects remains committed to providing high-quality professional training and development opportunities for educators and professionals alike, helping them to enhance their skills and achieve their career goals.

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