Growth Mindset- Kids Programmes

Our kids’ programmes will be run under the growth mindset approach, which emphasizes the power of effort, perseverance, and embracing challenges to help children develop resilience and achieve their full potential. Through interactive and engaging activities, the programmes will promote a positive attitude towards learning, foster creativity, and build problem-solving skills. We will also incorporate mindfulness practices and character-building exercises to help children develop emotional intelligence, empathy, and teamwork abilities.

These programmes will cater to children of all ages, providing age-appropriate activities to ensure that each child can fully participate and benefit from the programmes. Our team of experienced facilitators will guide children through the activities, encouraging and supporting them every step of the way.

Overall, our growth mindset-based kids’ programmes aim to provide children with a safe, fun, and supportive environment to help them develop the skills and mindset needed to succeed in all aspects of life.

It is wonderful to see such an amazing progress in Ismail’s social interaction and speech in English, in just a matter of weeks after joining the classes at your Academy. The comfort and support provided by the teachers who welcomed him with open arms, has led him to find the confidence to speak and communicate in English; which he was too shy to try before. We are so grateful to see our child thrive and pleased to hear him share each exciting session. Thank you for the education and creativity offered by your Academy. Keep up the great work and continue with the same passion! Would highly recommend to enrol little ones.

Ismail's mom (Ismail is a student of our kids’ program, Book Club)