Organisational and Occupational Stress Management

Course Overview

This course is designed to make employers and employees more aware about the nature of work-related stress and recognise when to seek help. The main objectives of this course are as follows: Develop a range of strategies and techniques to tackle stress at work and home including thinking skills, and coaching skills; Understand Type A & B behaviour; Coping strategies; Recognise organisational symptoms of stress; Guiding the employees; Understand the stress risk assessment; Identify what managers, health professionals and trainers can do to prevent and manage stress at work; Develop a personal stress management action plan, if appropriate.

To obtain further information about the course, please send us an email at

Organisational and Occupational Stress Management Coaching Certification

Course Overview

This course is designed for the people who are interested in becoming mentors and coaches related to organisational stress Management. The main objectives of this training are as follows: Develop a range of strategies and techniques to tackle stress at work and home including thinking skills, and coaching skills; Understand Type A & B behaviour; Coping strategies; Recognise organisational symptoms of stress; Guiding the employees; Understand the stress risk assessment; Identify what managers, health professionals and trainers can do to prevent and manage stress at work; Develop a personal stress management action plan, if appropriate.

To obtain further information about the course, please send us an email at

Life Skills for the Elderly

Course Overview

The “Life Skills for the Elderly” course is designed to teach seniors a variety of skills to help them live a fulfilling and independent life. Topics covered include digital literacy skills, making appointments, learning new languages or sports, budgeting, basic first aid, stress management, and more. Additionally, the course emphasizes the importance of spending time outdoors, with family and friends, finding hobbies, and enjoying simple pleasures. By the end of the course, learners will have gained practical knowledge and skills to help them manage their finances, maintain their physical and mental health, and build healthy relationships.

To obtain further information about the course, please send us an email at

Dealing and Healing Depression

Course Overview

The short course on “Dealing and Healing Depression” provides guidance on understanding and managing depression, covering topics such as signs and symptoms, coping strategies, seeking professional help, and overcoming stigma. The course emphasizes self-care, self-compassion, and provides practical tools to help manage depression. By the end of the course, learners will have a better understanding of depression and how to manage it, as well as resources for support.

To obtain further information about the course, please send us an email at

Finding True Happiness in Life

Course Overview

The short course on “Finding True Happiness in Life” helps individuals discover sources of happiness and fulfilment, covering topics such as self-reflection, personal values, goal setting, positive relationships, mindfulness, and self-care. The course addresses obstacles to happiness and provides practical strategies for overcoming them, as well as cultivating greater fulfilment in life. By the end of the course, learners will have gained valuable insights and tools for leading a more fulfilling life.

To obtain further information about the course, please send us an email at

CPR and First Aid

Course Overview

The short course on “CPR and First Aid” equips individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide basic life support in emergency situations. The course covers topics such as CPR, choking, bleeding control, shock management, and basic first aid techniques, and emphasizes the importance of quick and effective action. The course provides hands-on simulations and scenario-based training, and resources for further training and support. By the end of the course, learners will have gained basic knowledge and skills to respond to medical emergencies.

To obtain further information about the course, please send us an email at