Training on ‘Customer Service Excellence’ Conducted for the Staff of POLCO

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Training on ‘Customer Service Excellence’ Conducted for the Staff of POLCO

The Academy of Intellects conducted an interactive training session on “Customer Service Excellence” for Police Corporative Society (POLCO) staff at the academy on Saturday, September 10, 2022.

The session was conducted by Mr. Anil Adam, an experienced professional trainer with over 15 years of expertise in travel, tourism, higher education, visual design, and consulting. A total of 19 employees participated in the training, which focused on enhancing their customer service skills.

Following the completion of the training, certificates of completion were awarded to the participants by Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Academy’s founder and CEO. The session aimed to equip the employees with the necessary skills to provide exceptional customer service and enhance their performance in the workplace. The Academy of Intellects continues to lead the way in providing high-quality professional training and development opportunities for individuals and organizations alike.

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